Donate Us

If you feel for our cause, or if you can hear its call, or if you are interested in lending a hand to those who could do with you support, or if you just have enough money not to know what to do with so much of it, please spare a part and donate a fraction of your income or savings to their empowerment through AADHAR.
    You can donate in the form of cash, kind or provide any sort of material help – may it be clothes, books, electronic gadgets (computer cabinets, keyboards etc.) or something as basic as food. We assure you that it will definitely reach the needy and the society will always be thankful to you.

If you really willing to help, you can provide it in any of the following ways:
  • General sponsorship for Aadhar Pratishthan Trust: You can donate by cash or cheque/DD.
  • Donate in kind (books, clothes, and toys for children, computer accessories, electronics and food etc.)
If you are interested in volunteering with Aadhar Pratishthan , please contact us at: | +91 - 09860133100 / 09890630808